A List of Claims for Improvements &c Continued
No. 378
The United States DO
To Tie-can-es-kee of Hickory Log District
“ 1 roan mare 3 years old worth $ | 60.00
“ 1 gray “ 5 “ “ “ “ | 65.00
“ 4 cows and calves $20.00 each | 80.00
“ 8 head of cows | 32.00
“ 11 “ “ hogs | 6.00
“ 2 sheep 28 head of hogs | 168.00
Total | 477.00
Personally came before me Tie-can-es-kee of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a just account of property stolen from him by whitemen citizens of the United States. That the first described was a roan mare stolen by a white man by the name of Jack Dobs stolen on Chattahoochee River near Standing Peachtree 14 years ago claimant did not see his mare in Dobs’ possession but has good reason for believing Dobs stole his horse. The next described was a grey mare was stolen by a whiteman name not recollected down in Hickory Log Dist about 6 years ago Claimant states he did not see his mare in the said whiteman’s possessionbut he heard of a white man riding his mare the next day after she was stolen therefore has good reasons for believing said white man stole her. The next described was 4 cows & calves stolen by Philip Woodall a white man down on Chattahoochee River near Standing Peachtree about 13 years ago claimant did not see his cows in the possession of said Woodall but has good reasons for believing that Woodall stole them. The next described was 8 head of cows stolen by a white man Brown down on Chattahoochee River 13 years ago claimant says a whiteman named Thomas Carroll to him he saw said Brown driving his cows away therefore has good reasons for believing said Brown stole his cows. The next described was 11 head of hogs stolen by a whiteman named William Heard down 14 years ago on the Chattahoochee River near Standing Peachtree claimant states he didn’t see his hogs in the said Heard’s possession but has good reasons for believing said Heard stole his hogs. The next described was 2 sheep stolen by a whiteman Thomas Copeland down on Etowah River about 2 yeas ago claimant states his sheep was a branch dead he inquired of the citizens who had killed his sheep one George Hinclea white man told him that the said Coupeland had done it the said Copeland then acknowledged that he had killed the said sheep. The next described was (28 head of hogs) stolen by a white man by the name of William Heard down on the Chattahoochee River near Standing Peachtree about 14 years ago claimant did not see said hogs in Heard’s possession but has good reason for believing price is reasonable and that he has received not pay for any of said property
Affirmed before me this 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Tie-can-es-kee his X mark
Personally came before me Jack Still and Ned Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said Jack Dobs have in his possession the said described roan mare the same day it was stolen knew the mare to be the same alluded to above they also saw claimant in a short time after and told him and he relied that his mare was stolen the night before I saw her in the possession of said Dobs. They further state that the price is reasonable and that this claimant has had no pay for said mare to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Jack Still his X mark
Ned Still his X mark
Personally came before me Cheewee of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that he saw said white man (name not known) have the said described grey mare in his possession 6 days after it was stolen witness stats he met the said white man riding the mare about 12 miles from claimant’s house he saw the claimant a short time after and told him claimant replied that the mare was stolen from him some previous to that time and that he believed a white man had taken he further said that the price is reasonable and claimant has had no pay for said mare to the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed before me this the 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Cheewee his X mark
Personally came before me Soap of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that he saw the said described 4 cows in possession of a Philip Woodall about 2 weeks after they had been stolen he states he saw the cows in said Woodall’s possession witness also states claimant came to his house in a short time after in pursuance of this cows witness then told him that he had seen them and Woodall’s possession claimant said he had lost them sometime & believed some whiteman had stolen them. Further said the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for the same to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Affirmed before me this the 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Soap his X mark
Personally came before me Jack Still and Ned Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said described 8 head of cows in the possession of a white man by the name of Brown and knew them to be claimant’s property and was the same as alluded to above. They further state the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for said cows to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed before me this 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Jack Still his X mark
Ned Still his X mark
Personally came before me George Blanket and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said described 11 hogs in the possession of a white man named William Herd and knew them to be the claimant’s property. They also saw the claimant and told him and he replied they had been stolen from him about a week and he believed a white man had stolen them they further say the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for the same to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed before me Sept 1 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
James Blanket his X mark
Sundy his X mark
Personally came before me Jack Still and George Still of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw above sheep described lying on the branch dead they further say heard Coupland say he killed them. They knew the sheep to be the claimant’s property they further say the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for the same to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed to before me this the 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
Jack Still his X mark
George Still his X mark
Personally came before me James Blanket and Sundy of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they saw the said William Herd a white man have in his possession the said described 28 head of hogs they knew the hogs to be the claimant’s and that they was alluded to above. They also saw claimant in a short time after and told him he replied his hogs had been stolen and that he believed a white man had done it they further say that the price is reasonable and that claimant has had no pay for said hogs to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this the 1 day of Sept 1838
George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims
James Blanket his X mark
Sundy his X mark
Not Available