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A List of Claims for Improvements &c. Continued 

No. 444

The United State DO 

To  Kahnoh-ne-tah  of Hickory Log Dist 


“ 1  Grey mare 6 years old | 100.00 

“ 10 Head of Hogs 5.00 each |  50.00 

“ 1 Rifle gun | 30.00 

Total | 180.00 


The above described mare was stolen in the year 1830 claimant states that he was from hoam and while absent a white man unknown to him came to his house and wilfully and maliciously took off his mare in presence of claimants witnesses and he has not seen his mare since neither has he received any compensation for said mare which was taken by white man citizen of the United States. The hogs was stolen in the year 1833 claimant states that he has not seen his hogs since they was stolen but heard they was in possession of a Whiteman citizen of the United States. The rifle gun was stolen in the year 1835 claimant states that while he was absent from home his gun was stolen and shortly afterwards he found his gun in possession of a white man his name unknown to claimant but a citizen of the United States.


Personally came before me Kahnoh-ne-tah of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the aforesaid account is a correct statement of claims against the United States for property stolen from him by white men and citizens of the United States and the account is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief


Affirmed to before me this the 27 day of Sept 1838

Moses Daniel Agent for Collecting Claims

Kahnoh-ne-tah his X mark


Personally came before me Cun-a-wah-gee and Wortah-we-yah of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they was well acquainted with claimants property and of the witnesses and they know that claimant lost property and has seen all of the above described property of claimants in possession of white men citizens of the United States and we believe the above account is just and true to the best of our knowledge and belief


Affirmed to before me the 27 of Sept 1838

Moses Daniel Agent for Collecting Claims

Cun-a-wah-gee his X mark

Wortah-we-yah his X mark

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