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Transcription Document

No. 16

The United States  

To Thompson of Hickory Log Dist. Do 

To 4 Cows & calves at 12.00 Each | 48.00 

“ 3 sows at 5.00 “ | 15.00 

“ 8 head of sheep at 3.00 “  | 24.00 

“ 1 Bee stand at 3.00 “ | 3.00 

“ 50 Chickens at 12 ½  “ | 6.25 

“ 3 Bushels of corn at 1.00 | 30.00 

“ 6 Bushels of potatoes at 1.00 | 6.00 

“ 4 beans at 1.00 | 4.00 

“ 64 pounds of soap at 12 12  | 8.00 

“ 1 loom at 8.00 | 8.00 

“ 2 bedsteads at 2.00 | 4.00 

“ 6 chairs at .75 | 4.50 

“ 2 wheels at 4.50 | 9.00 

“ 8 pots large & small at 2.50 “ | 20.00 

“ 2 pr cotton cards at  2.50 “  | 20.00 

“ 4 lbs of cotton at .25 | 1.00 

“ 8 Basket at  .50  | 4.00 

“ 2 saddles at 8.00 | 16.00 

“ 1 saddle bags at 3.00 | 3.00 

“ 2 ploughs & gearing at 4.50 | 9.00 

“ 3 hoes at .75 | 2.25 

“ 2 axes at 3.00 | 6.00 

“ 1 handsaw at 1.50 | 1.50 

“ 3 agurs at .75 | 2.25  

“ 1 foot adze at 1.50  | 1.50  

“ 1 Bunch factoried(?) threat at 2.00 | 2.00 

“ 1 canoe at  4.00 | 4.00 

“ 6 puter plates at .25 | 1.50  

“ 1 Water pale at .75 | .75 

“ 3 Blow guns at .50  | 1.50  

“ 2 strainers at 25  at | .50  

“ 1 sheep shears at 1.00 | 1.00 

Amt carried over 279.75 

To 8 water gourds at 12 ½ each | 1.00

“ 4 spoons at 12 ½ “ | .50

“ 1 trumpet at 50 | .50

“ 1 mattock at 2.00 | 2.00

The growing crop on hand | 10.00

Total | 293.75

Personally came before me Thompson of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States since the 23d of May 1838 are just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief

Affirmed to before me this 31st day of August 1838

George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims

Thompson his X mark

Personally came before me James Proctor and Edwards Still of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States since the 23rd of May 1838 are just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief

Affirmed to before me this 31st day of August 1838

George Still Snr Assistant Agent for Collecting Claims

James Proctor his X mark

Edwards Still his X mark

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