Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Stuart Marshall, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States No 48 To Nancy Smith Dr

To 1 Bed stead 250¢ 1 Feather Bed $13- $15.50
3-Quilts and 2 sheets $22-1 Blanket $3 -25.
1 fine counter pane $15-1 Mirror 100¢ 16.
7 Lace Toilets @ 50¢ 1 d[itto]-larger 100¢ 4.50
1 Trunk $5-1 Bonnet & 4 silk dresses $11.- 16.-
4 dresses $16-Ear bobs $5- 29-
1 pr shoes $2- 2 pr stockings $2- 4.-
4 waist Bands $2-2 dress capes $2- 4.-
4 under dresses $6-5 Cows & calves $60- 66.-
1 Beef stear $15-7 small cattle @$7.- 63-
1 Lot castings $20-2 pr Pot hooks $2- 22.-
1 Wash Tub $1.50 3 [lbs] Belt Beads $3- 4.50
The claimant in this case lived at Salequoe and come to this country in Bells detachment and now lives on Salisaw. She states (on oath) that she was forced by the military to leave every article charged in this account, at her former residence; that no opportunity was afforded her to save one thing out of the whole amount charged, but was rudely forced away by the soldiery— sworn to and subscribed
April 6th 1842 Nancy Smith her X mark
J. Mulkey cl[erk]

The witness in this case states (on oath) that the claimant in the above account, did own the property charged in the account, and was in peaceable possession of it, when an armed force of white men forced her to leave her home and effects, and join the detachment for removal west.
Sworn to & subscribed Lucinda Pegg her X mark
Ap[ril] 6th 1842
J. Mulkey cl[erk]”