Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Aidan Treacy, Sewanee—The University of the South

“To Yeh kin ne, a native Cherokee, For property abandoned in the Eastern Nation, on Ste co ye Creek, State of North Carolina—Emigrated in John Bell’s Detachment in the year 1838—Present residence, on the waters of fourteen Mile Creek, in Tahlequah District—

To 2 Cows & Calves 30,,—15 Head Stock Hogs 45,,— $75,,00
40 Bushels old corn 20,, —1 Large Pot 4,,— 24,,00
3 smaller pots 6,, — 2 ploughs 6,, — 3 mattocks 4.50— 16,,50
6 weeding hoes 3, —1 Hand saw 2,, —2 augers 1.75— 6,,75
1 axe 2,, —1 smoothing Iron 1,, — 1 spinning wheel 3,,— 6,,00
50 Chickens 6,25 —43 acres in Corn 215,, — 221,,25
Total am[ount].—$359,,50

Personally came before me, Yeh Kin ne, Claimant of the above account, & states on oath, That
all of the above property was abandoned by her in the Eastern nation, by the removal of the Cherokees to the west in the year 1838, & that she has never received any consideration for the
same —
Sworn to & subscribed before me, This 26th April 1842
D. Carter- Special Clerk.
Yeh kin ne her X mark

Arch Campbell came before me & states on oath, That he is knowing to the abandonment of the above property by the said Yeh kin ne as she has stated, without any consideration whatever—

Sworn to & subscribed to before me, This 26th April 1842
D. Carter – Special Clerk Arch Campbell his X mark”