Claim Number

Claim Date



Listing Description (Transcript)

To Green Baldridge
For property lost in the old Nation “Look out Valley” in Georgia in consequence of being
force to remove by the U S Troops Emigrated in James Brown Detachment in 1838 to
20 acres of growing corn $10 per acre $200.–
12 “ “ “ oats $10 “ “ 120.–
3 “ lands under fence (not valued) 30.–
¼ “ Garden & vegetables growing 5.–
*1 Bbl of Soap $16__ & 25 chickens $2.75 19.75
6 sows (grown) $30.– & 16 year-old Hogs $48 78.–
1 Cow & Calf $12.– & 1 Cow $10.– 22.–
1 Table $3.– & 1 Spinning Wheel $3.– 6.–
3 Chairs $1.25.– 1.25
* Transcriber note: Bbl is the abbreviation for a 42-gallon barrel.
Statement of the Claimant Examined on “Oath” States as follows;
I am a half breed Cherokee and now reside about six miles from John
Benges on Lees Creek…Emigrated to this country in James Brown Detachment in 1838.
The three acres of land I charge for was not valued. I cleared this piece of land after the
balance of my improvements were valued; the reason I cleared this was: I was opposed
to coming to this country. I never gave my Will or sanction to what was called the
“Treaty of 1835.” I was still living on this place when I was taken by the U.S. Troops &
taken off to Ross’s landing about thirty miles from where I lived at Look Out Valley in
Georgia – a part of my corn was about two feet high and the other little smaller when I
was taken. The Soldiers brought a wagon to take us and our things – the Table –
spinning wheel chairs. Soap and other articles which we could could [sic] take. I drove
my Cattle, Hogs & horses with me into the Camp. These Cattle, Hogs I have charged for,
I had lost on the way. I was out to my old place about a week before we started to this
country. I saw the number /62/ I have charged for there on the place. I had gone out
after some horses that had run back home, & I went found them – brought them into
camp – I went out alone & could not bring the Cattle & Hogs and I had no time to return
any more as we had to leave in a few days and could get no sale for them. Them whites would not purchase our Stock as they knew we would be compelled to leave it & they
could get it without paying for it his
Green X Baldridge
Sworn & Subscribed to }
before me 2nd March 1842 }
James M Payne Special }
Clerk for Skin Bayou Dist }
“Nancy Campbell” Testimony Examined on “Oath” States as follows;
I live about five miles from the Claimant (Green Baldridge) at “Look out Valley”
in Georgia. I knew he had a field_ I don’t know the number of cows, but it was a large
field and he also had a small of new ground he had cleared – I was there when they
planted corn & assisted them in planting I know he cleared the new ground after the
valuing agent had been there & valued his improvements The Spinning wheel Table
chairs Soap & chickens I saw after they were taken away – I was taken on the same day
with him & several other families we were collected together at Green Baldridge’s
father’s house which was about two miles from his place his wife & I went out to their
house while we were at Mr. Baldridge’s (old man) and I saw these articles it was after
they were taken away from their house. – he also had a large place sowed in Oats &
growing I was along with them when he lost his cattle & Hogs after we started to
Ross’s landing, the first night I don’t know the number he lost, only missed several
head the next morning he never brought them in afterwards I only heard him say
when /63/ he went out to his old place and came back said he had saw his hogs, he had
lost on the way. That they returned home and the Cattle also. I am a half breed
Cherokee & now on the Illinois river in Tahlequah District
Nancy X Campbell

Transcription Document