Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence



Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Elena Hamann, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr No 147

To Nancy Che.Kille late of Coosawattee District of C.N. East. Removed in Bells Detatchment 1838. And now Resides in Going Snake District C.N.

1838 For 1 Roane horse $70. 1 Bay horse $70 $140.00
“ 1 Bay mare $60. 1Bl[ac]k horse $100 160.00
“ 1 mare + colt $70. 1 sorrel house $80 130.00
3 Bay horses $80 ea 240.00
6 head cows + calves $73, 3 yearlings $18 90.00
3 sows + Pigs $24 1 large hogs $6 30.00
4 pots $9,, 2 pails $2, plates c50. 2 Pitchers $1 “12.50
2 Tin pans $1,, cups+saucers c50. 1 Coffee pot $1 “ 2.50
2 Bed steads $6, 1 feather Bed $10 “16.00
1 wheel $3 p[air] cards $1. 1 p[air] wool cards $.50 “4.50
4 Quilts $20. 5 drapes $10. 6 Baskets $2 “32.00
1 Table $2,, 4 chairs $2,, 2 Saddles $24 “28.00
2 ploughs + Gears $20,, 3 hoes 1.50,, 3 Axes “27.50
16 Acres growing corn $10 per Acre 160.00
5 [acres] land Rent. 2 years $6 per Acre per Annum “60.00

Nancy Che Kille being duly sworn says the above account is a just schedule of my property which I was forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States in 1838 The 5 Acres land was taken from me 2 years by a whiteman, And I have Received no compensation for the same whatever

Sworn to & subscribed before me This 27th April 1842
Ignatius A. Few Cl[erk] D. C. Nancy Che Kille her X mark

Te. Sa. ske being duly sworn states the above account is a just schedule of her property which she was forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States in 1838. the 5 Acres land charged she was disposesed of it two years by a white man and she has Received no compensation to my knowledge

Sworn to & subscribed before me This 27th April 1842
Ignatius A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Te. Sa. ske his x mark”