Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence


Peach Tree Creek. Other improvement & mill was on Valley River- Aquohee Dist.

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Blake Pou, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. No. 181
To John Love late of Aquohe District C.N. East. Removed in Bells Detachment 1838 And now Resides in Going Snake District C.N.

1838 for 2 Round log houses common $75.00
,, 1 stable $15,, 2 Cribs $30 45.00
1838 for 2 small houses $45,, 1 crib $12 57.00
,, 1 hewd log house finished $50 50.00
,, 1 Grist Mill $100. 2 small houses $28 128.00
,, 38 Acres land good fence $8 per Acre 304.00
Am[ount] carried forward $659.00
[second page] For am[ount] Brought forward $659.00
1830 for 1 scew Ball [skewbald] horse $115. 1 Bay horse $65 180.00
1838 ,, Cow + calf $12. 1 Yearling $5 17.00
,, 50 head stock hogs $2 per head 100.00
,, 2 Ploughs & Gears $20. 2 pots $4.50 1 Trunk $5 29.50
,, 1 steel mill $10. 1 Bed stead $5. 1 Doz[en] plates $1.75 16.75
,, 1 Pitcher $1. 3 Bowls $1.25 1 Bucket $1 3.25
,, 1 Puter [pewter] dish $2. 1 salt stand 50 [¢] 1 pep[p]er Box 50 [¢] 3.00
,, 1 Set knives & forks $4.50 4.50
,, 20 Acres growing corn $10 200.00
,, And cash Drawn from valuations by whiteman 125.00
,, 5 Acres land on Peach Tree creek 1338.00

John Love Being duly sworn states my first charged Improvement was made on Peach tree creek. I bough[t] the improvment before the Valuations took place and the Agent would not Value them and the said improvements was not Valued to any person. my other improvements was made on Valley River A.quo.he District. also my mill was on the same water course all of which was not valued. My 2 above charged horses in 1830 was stolen from me in that year by Jack Bryant & Solomon Ratliff both whitemen & saw them have the horses in their possession and they use my horses and made property of them the Ballance of my property charged I was forced to abandon it by the authorities of the United States 1838. and I have never Received any compensation

Sworn to + Subscribed Before me This 2d May 1842
Ignatius A. Few [clerk] D.C. John Love his X mark

Johnson Robbins Being duly sworn days the above statement as made by claimant above in relation to his property which he has charged is justly and Truly stated to my knowledge and he has had no pay for his account to my knowledge sworn to + subscribed before me this 2d May 1842
Ignatius A Few Cl[erk] D.C. Johnson Robbins his X mark”

Transcription Document