Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence



Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Ellie Graham, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. No. 224 225
To Berry Downing late of Elijay Town C.N East Removed in Bells Detachment 1838. and now Resides in Going Snake District C.N.

1838 For 1 horse $40. 3 head hogs $9. $49.00
Bed stead $4. 1 Trunk $3. 3 pots $8 15.00
2 pails $2 ,, 7 plates $1,, 1 plough & Gears $10 13.00
1 sheave mole $3,, 1 Fish Trap $25 1 Canoe $6 34.00
2 Axes $4,, 3 hoes $1.50,, steel Traps $10,, 1 Saddle $5 20.50
7Acres cleard land good fence $8 per Acre 56,,00
1 Sett house logs $5. 1 crib $8. 4 bushels corn $4 17.00
1 Bushel Beans $2. 40 lb Bacon $5 7.00
14 Chickens $1.75 6 Ducks $1.50 3.25

Berry Downing Being duly sworn states that the above is a just account of my property which was forced to abandon by the Authorities of the United States in 1838. My improvements was made after the 23rd day of May 1836. and I have Received no compensation

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 6th May 1842
Ignatius A Few Cl[erk] Berry Downing his X mark

Ezekiel Love being duly sworn states that the above is a just schedule of claimant property which he was forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States in 1838 and his improvements was made after the 23d May 1836. and he has had no compensation for the same to my knowledge

Sworn to & subscribed before me on this 6th May 1842
Iqgnatius A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Ezekiel Love his X mark”