Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Isaiah Cantey, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. to Johnson Robbins No. 16312 No. 324

Late of Aquohee District Removed in Bells detachment 1838 and now lives in Going Snake District

1 Bay mare $80.00
1 Bay mare 60.00
9 Head of cattle $8 Ea[ch] 72.00
19 Head of Hogs $3 Ea[ch] 57.00
8 D[itto] sheep $3 Ea[ch] 24.00
9 chickens [.12 each] 4 Ducks [.25 each] 2.13
2 Turkeys $1 Ea[ch] 1 Plow & Gear $5 7.00
3 Weeding Hoes .30 Ea[ch] 1 Axe $3 4.00
2 Water Pails $1 Ea[ch]. Set Crockery $ 5.00
1 Set Knives $.25 Set Spoons $1.50 4.00
4 chairs $1 Ea[ch] 1 Table $3 7.00
1 Rifle Gun 20.00
1 feather bed $25 2 coverlids $8 Ea[ch] 41.00
3 Pots $4 Ea[ch] 12.00
1 Fish Trap 50.00
15 acres bottom Land good fenced ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
Planted at $10 per acre 150.00
$39 Dollars taken by white man 39.00
$25 Dollars taken by white man 25.00
2 Sad[d]le[s] 23.00

Johnson Robbins being duly sworn states that all of the above property as charged in my foregoing account I was forced to abandon in 1838 and the above Improvement was made after Treaty [of] 1836 for which I have no valuation the $39 in money was Taken from me by one Berrey a white man and in 1838 the $25 in money was taken from me by David Brown a white man in 1828 and the sa[d]dle I sold to Jesse Me[a]rs a white man which is still due me from said Mears

Sworn to & Subscribed before me This 27 April 1842
I.A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Johnson Robbins his X mark

Watte and Se,ne,gou,we being duly sworn says we was well acquainted with claimant and property and that all of the above described property as charged in his account he was forced to abandon in 1838 and The above Improvement was made by claimant on Shooting Creek after [the] Treaty [of] 1836 and we know that the said berry took from claimant The $39 as charged in account [in] 1838 and the $25 That we saw said brown take from the claimant in 1838 and we know that claimant did not justly owe them one cent[.] the sad[d]le worth $25 we know that said Meers bough[t] of the claimant for which He got no pay

Sworn to & Subscribed before me This 27 April 1842
I.A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Watte his X mark
Senegouwe his X mark”