Claim Number

Claim Date


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Jimmy Mitchell, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr

36 To Sweetwater Late of Peachtree Creek Ahquohee District Cherokee Nation East and (now) resides in Flint District C.N. came to this country in Bells Detachment 1838

1838 For Am[ount] of money Drawn out of my valuations by… Love & Hyat $79.80
1 House at camp meeting ground 20 feet 18 20.00
1 hewed log house nail roof and finished 60.00
1 [hewed log house] puncheon floor wood chimney 18 feet 17 … 80.00
1 Round Log [house] 16 feet square finished 20.00
1 set of joice [joists] for house 800 new boards $8 10.00
A stable $10, 1 cow lot $5, 1/2 Acre Garden Lot $10 25.00
1 yard fince with 2 Gates $5, 1 Acre of Irish Potatoes $30 35.00
33 Acres of Growing corn $330, 2 small ploug[h]s and coutters $6 336.00
3 ploughs and Gearing complete $18, 4 clevices $2 20.00
Weeding hoes $4, 1 mattock $21, 1 Collins Axe 3$. 1 lock chain $3 12.00
2 hand saws $4, 2 Draw Knives $3, 3 Augurs 2.50 9.50
2 chisels $1, 2 Gimblets $.30 1 shoe hammer $.50 1 Stone jar $1 2.00
1 Sett of plates & Dishes $2.50, 1 Sett Knives & forks $2 4.50
1 Table $2.50, 4 chairs $2, 1 Large oven $4, 1 small oven $1 10.50
2 Large Pots $8, 1 Small Pot $2, 2 [pairs] Pot hooks $2, 1 pot rack $1 13.00
3 cows & calves $45, 1 Steer $10, 2 hiefers $16. 1 colt yearling $15 86.00
14 head sheep $42, 60 heads Stock hogs $180, 1 hive bees $3 223.00
1 Coffee Mill $1.50, 2 pad Locks $1, 2 Iron wedges $1 3.50

Sweetwater being truly qualified states I was compelled to abandon the above improvement as well as the other property in consequence of my being captured by the troops I built the houses in consequence of my being burnt, the money taken out of my valuation I was not indebted to the parties who drew it. I had previously settled their account having been sued on a note and judgment given against my property by D. McKay Dep[uty] Sheriff whose receipt for the same accompanies the file of paper to which [I] refer. I did not transact any business with them after that time

Sworn to and subscribed before me DM Foreman CN Cl[erk] Sweetwater his X mark

For further evidence in relation to the above claim see page 136 folio

Cherokee Nation
Going Snake District

Eliza King being duly sworn says she was acquainted with Sweetwater in the old Nation and the foregoing claims of property against the United States is just and Sweetwater was forced to abandon it in the year of 1838 by the authorities of the United States and abandon Improvements in the foregoing claim was made after the Valuation of the Improvements were made by Valuing Agents his former place which was valued he gave to his daughter [sic], his house which he resided in was accidentally Destroyed by fire which caused him to make this improvement after the Treaty and he has never Received any compensation for the same from the U.S. or any other source whatsoever to my Knowledge

Sworn to to and subscribed before me
This 17th March 1842
David M Foreman Cl[erk] Eliza King her X mark

Ah.Tah.chu.Tle being duly sworn says that he was acquainted with Sweetwater in the Old nation east and the foregoing claim for property Against the United States is just and the Improvements named was made after the Valuing Agents which had Valued valued improvements Sweet Water gave his former place which was Valued to one of his daughters and his house which he resided in was accidentally destroyed by fire which caused him to make this Improvement afterwards, he was never Received an[y] considerations for the same from the United States or any source whatsoever to my knowledge, and he was forced to abandon the same by the Authorities of the United States in the year 1838

Sworn to and subscribed before me
This 17th March 1842
David M Foreman Cl[erk] Ah.Tah.chu.Tle his X mark”