Claim Number

Claim Date



Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Blake Bouldin, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr.
35 37 To Eliza King late of Peach Tree creek A.quo.hee District Cherokee Nation East and resides now in Flint District C.N. came in Bells Detachment
1838 For 1 hewed log house well finished $80 00
,, 9 acres of growing corn $10 per Acre 90 00
,, 70 head of Stock hogs $3 [per] head 210 00
,, 1 Cow & calf $15 1 hiefer $8 1 yearling $7 30 00
,, 1 yoke work steers $50 1 Bedstead $2 3 chairs $ 1.50 53 50
,, 1 Table $2 Spinning wheel $2 2 p[air] cotton cards $2 6 00
,, 1 Loom $4 1 Coffee mill $ 1.50 12 Cane baskets $12 17 50
,, 3 lbs of wool 1.75 2 weeding hoes $1 1 Plough & Gears complete $7,, 9 75
,, 1 Large cow bell $0.75 1/2 acre ground planted Irish potatoes $15 15 75
,, 1/4 acre planted cabbages $10 1 Spring house $5 15 00
,, 5 chickens 62[¢] 2 Geese $1 1 62
,, 2000 new made rails $1 p[er] hundred 20 00
$549 12
Cherokee Nation
Goingsnake District
Eliza King being duly sworn says the she made the above mentioned Improvements since the Treaty of 1836, and the ballance of the property is charge[d] in her above account She was forced to abandon it in the year of 1838 by the Authorities of the United States and I have never Received any compensation for the same whatsoever

Sworn to and subscribed before me
This 17th March 1842 Eliza King her X mark
Davis M. Foreman C[lerk]

Sweetwater being duly sworn says that the above account of Eliza King is a just schedule of property against the United States and she made the above improvement after the Treaty of 1836 which was not valued to her on that account she has never Received any compensation the same from the United States or any other source whatsoever to my knowledge

Sworn to and subscribed before me
This 14th March 1842
David M Foreman C[lerk] Sweetwater his X mark”