Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Present Residences

mentions her father- motherand uncle but not by name. 1829 lived at Che-ke-ta. In 1834 lived with her father on Hightower River.

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Joe Masterson, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Do.

To Ah-we-ke-le the wife of Ketcher Late of Shoal creek near Echota Cherokee Nation East and
resides now in Barren fork creek Going Snake District Emigrated in Bells Detachment 1838.

1829 For 3 head horses $80 $60 $50 $190.00
6 head cows & calves $15 Ea[ch] 90.00
1 Cow $12 1 Grown Steer $16,, 28.00
1834 3 head horses 70 60 50 $180.00
1 Yoke Oxen $60 40 head hogs 6 p[er] h[ead] $240 300.00
30 head hogs $6 p[er] h[ead] 180.00
46 D[itto hogs] $7 D[itto per head] 322.00

Cherokee Nation
Going Snake District

Ah-we-ke-le being duly sworn says that, her mother gave her property
when she was a small girl consisting of hogs and cattle & horses and while her father Lived at
Che.que.ta In the Spring of 1829, She had stolen from her three head of horses and when she
found out the horses was missing my father and a man named Uoskosetar pursued after the
horses and when they overtook them, They found the horses in the possession of some whitemen
citizens of the United States. they demanded the horses but the white men would not give them
up and threatened to beat my father & Uoskosetar, The cattle was taken out of the range and
afterwards seen in the possession of the white people[.] efforts were made to get the cattle but the
white people that had them would not let me have them, and in the year 1834 my father and
myself lived on Hightower River and one of my uncles was accused of breaking open store house, and the whites then came and took my property as above charged 1834 to satisfie the Damages which my uncle had done them, all of my above accounts. I have never received any compensation for the same from the United States or any other source whatsoever.

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 18th March 1842
David M Foreman Cl[erk] her X mark

Cherokee Nation
Going Snake District

Rotten (or being duly sworn says that he is well acquainted with and knows that her mother did give her some property when she was small. and in the spring of 1829 she had 3 head of horses stolen from her, and I was employed to help hunt those horses. The claiments father and myself found the horses in the possession of some white men, citizens of the United States[.] myself + her father demanded the horses but the men refused to give them up, and they threatened to beat us. So we was compel[l]ed to return without getting the horses[.] the cattle I was also employed to hunt them. I found them in the possession of some white people citizens of the United States, but not having any interpreter along I failed to get the cattle for her. Claiment has never received any compensation for the same from the U.S or any other source whatsoever to my knowledge

Sworn to and subscribed before me
This 18th of March 1842 Rotten ( or Uoskasetar) his X mark
David M Foreman Cl[erk]

Eight Killer being duly sworn days that when claiments father lived at Hightower
claiments father and myself were taken prisoners by the white people who claimed a Debt against us and the whites at the same time took 46 head of hogs belonging to the claiment for her fathers debts. but her father did not owe them any thing and I know that the Uncle of claiment did break open a store house for which crime the whites took 3 head of horses one yoke of oxen and all of the claiments hogs which she had, to satisfie the Damages that her uncle had done by breaking open the store house, which had nothing in it but a little whiskey and claiment has never Received any compensation for the same from the United States or any other source whatsoever to my knowledge

Sworn to and subscribed before me
This March 18th of 1842
David M Foreman Cl[erk] Eight Killer his X mark”

Transcription Document