Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Stuart Marshall, Sewanee—University of the South

“Claim No. 533
United States to Cho,u,ker

To 9 Acres cleared land not valued $90.00
12 apple trees 5 60.00
1833 13 D[itto] Peach 13.00
2 houses—20 40.00
1 D[itto] corn crib— 8.00
This improvement was situated on high,was,see River N[orth] Carolina which never was valued as she can find

2 cows & calves — 30.00
30 head hogs 4— 120.00
40 chickings— 12/— 5.00
20 turkeys— 1 20.00
4 Pots 1/4 1/3 1/2.50 1/1.50 11.00
2 axes— 3 6.00
3 weeding hoes—50 1.50
Cherokee Nation
Delaware District
Personally came before me an acting Agent for Receiving claims Chouker formerly from Highwassee North Carolina present Residence Clouds Creek emigrated in Ja John A Bells detachment who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that she was forced to abandon the above named property by the U States Troops in the year 1838 and for which she never Received any compensation and she believes that the charges made thereto is reasonable and Just

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd May 1842
Moses Daniel Cho,u,ker his X mark

Personally came before me an acting Agent for Receiving claims Guh-loh-nuh-hah-skee who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the matters and things set forth in the foregoing affidavit of claimant Chouker is substantially true and the charges made for said property is reasonable and Just

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd May 1842
Moses Daniel Gul,loh,nuh,hah,skee his X mark
A R C”

Transcription Document