A List of claims for Improvements &c Continued
No. 601
The United States
To Sun-kee Hickory Log Dist
To 1 Black mare 55.00 2 Cows & Calves 40.00 | 95.00
Claimant states that the above described property was stolen from him in the year 1828 claimant states that he has not seen this property since in the possession of any person but heard since it was stolen that it was taken by a whiteman into Georgia
Personally came before me Sun-kee of the Cherokee nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above statement is correct against the United States for property stolen from him by whitemen citizens of the United States and the above account is correct and just to the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this 11th day of Sept 1838
George Still Sr assistant agent for collecting claims
Sun-kee his x mark
Personally came before me Tic-a-nes-kee and Thomas Blanket of the Cherokee nation East and solemnly affirmed they were well acquainted with claimants property and they seen a white man taking the above described property of claimants into Georgia the name of the whiteman unknown to witnesses but a citizen of the United States and we believe the above account to be just and true to the best of our knowledge and beliefs.
Affirmed to before me this 11th day of September 1838
George Still Sr Assistant agent for collecting claims
Tic-a-nes-kee his x mark
Thomas Blanket his x mark
Not Available