No. 810
The United States DO
To Ten-nee-ce of Hickory Log Dist
For 5 cows & calves $20 ea | 100.00
“ 5 head of cattle $8 ea | 40.00
“ 8 head of hogs at $8 ea | 64.00
“ Amount of money due from whitemen | 15.00
Total | 219.00
The above described cattle was stolen from claimant in the year 1830 claimant states that some tie after his cattle was stolen he found part(?) of them in possession of white men by the name of Tatum (taken forward) Claimant could not get his cattle said Tatum is a citizen of the United States. The next described hogs was stolen from him in the year 1832 claimant states that he saw his hogs in possession of a white man by the name of Cochran and could not get his hogs. Cochran is a citizen of the United States the next account is for money due him by white men citizens of the United States which he could not collect in consequence of being forced off by the authorities of the United States.
Personally came before me Ten-nee-ce of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct statement of claims against the United States for property stolen from him by whitemen citizens of the United States and the amount charged in the account is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me the 8th day of September 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agent for Collecting Claims
Ten-nee-ce his X mark
Personally came before me Oo-nah-no-lah & Jim Vann of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that they were well acquainted with claimant’s property and they saw all of the above named property in possession of whitemen citizens of the United States and the amount charged in the account is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this the 8th day of sept 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agt for Col Claims
Oo-nah-no-lah his X mark
Jim Vann his X mark
Not Available