No. 770
The United States DO
To Che-war-nah of Hickory Log Dist
For one dwelling house hewed logs cabin roof plank floor & loft door & shutter & wooden chimney 21 feet by 18
“ 1 corn crib 12 feet by 15
“ 1 stable round logs cabin roof 15 feet by 12
“ 1 field 30 acres good creek land good fence
“ 10 bearing peach trees
“ 8 “ apple trees
Claimant was dispossessed of the above improvements in the year 1831 by Georgians
Personally came before me Cash Downing and Ellis of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for improvements is just and true to the best of their knowledge & belief
Affirmed to before me this the 15th of September 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agent for Collecting Claims
Cash Downing his X mark
Ellis his X mark
Not Available