A List of Claims for Improvement &c. Cont.
No. 790
The United States
To Six Killer of Hickory Log Dist
For 1 Black mare 4 year | 40.00
“ 1 Do Do 3 Do Do | 40.00
“ 1 Black mare colt 6 years DO | 60.00
“ 1 “ “ 2 years Do | 30.00
“ 8 head of grown cattle $20 each | 160.00
“28 “ of Hogs at | 80.00
“ 288 Binds(?) of fodder | 6.00
“ 1 canoe | 3.00
Total | 419.00
Personally came before me Six Killer the claimant of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct account of property against the United States which was stolen and taken from him in said Dist, by white men citizen of the United States name not recollected or known by claimant, said property was taken from him about four years ago, that the above us a reasonable price and that he has never received any value for the same
Affirmed before me 12th Sept, 1838
George Still Asst. Agt. Col. Claims
Six Killer His x mark
Personally came before me Hawk of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the is acquainted with the above property of Six Killer the claimant and that Whiteman citizen of the United States he has every reason to believe did steal the above described horses hogs and cattle, as there was a set of Whiteman who called themselves the Pony Club continually traveling through the settlement where claimant lives plundering & stealing everything from the Cherokee that they could get sight of, and states that he did not see any of said men have any part ofclaimants property in their possession but he gave reason to think that set of men did stealclaimant and further states that claimants fodder described in the forgoing claim (illegible)was destroyed by cattle that belonged to a Whiteman citizen of the U.S. named John Brewster and state that a Whiteman by the name of William Bell took claimants corn, which claimant never got again, and states that the forgoing stated prices for claimants property are moderateenough, and that claimant has never received any value whatsoever for said property or any part thereof to his knowledge
Affirmed to before me the 12th day of September 1838
George Still Sr. Asst. Agent for collecting claims
Hawk His x mark
Not Available