No. 929
The United States Do
To Tah-nu-ee of Hickory log Dist.
For 1 Bay horse 2 years old | 40.00
“ 6 Head of cattle 10.50 | 63.00
“ 15 Head of do 10.00 | 150.00
“ 25 Head of Hogs | 125.00
“ 40 “ “ do 5.00 each | 200.00
Total | 578.00
The above described horse was stolen in the year 1820 claimant states that his horse was in the range with a white man horses known to her by the name of Jim said white man took off, his horse with his own and converted him to his own the said man is a citizen of the U.S. the first described cattle was stolen in the year 1830 claimant states that she followed her cattle into Sand town Georgia, and seen her cattle in possession of a white man by the name of Tatum, a citizen of the United States the next described cattle was stolen in the year 1820. Claimant states that her cattle was taken out of the Range and she has not seen her cattle since, but heard they were taken by a white man by the name of William a citizen of the United States the first described hogs was stolen in the year 1822, claimant states that his hogs was drove off, and shortly afterwards he seen part of them in possession of a white man by the name of Lewis Hammons a citizen of the United States . the last described hogs was stolen in the year 1825. Claimant states that his hogs was drove off into Georgia by the whiteman by the name of Beaver and Black claimant pursued his hogs and found them in possession of white men citizens of the United States
Personally came before me Tah-nu-ee of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a earnest statement of claims against the United States for property stolen from claimant by white men citizens of the U.S. & the above accounts correct and just to the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me 20th of Sept 1838
George Still Sr asst. agent for collecting claims
Tah-nu-ee his x mark
Personally came before me An-a-wo-hee & Oo–na-no-tah of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirms that they were well acquainted with claimants property and we have seen the foregoing described property in possession of the white men citizens of the United States and we believe the foregoing account is just and true to the best of our knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me 20th of Sept. 1838
George Still Sr. assistant agent for col. claims
An-a-wo-hee his x mark
Oo–na-no-tah his x mark
Not Available