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TSLA BOOK C - Claim 933.2/934.1
TSLA BOOK C - Claim 934.2/935.1
Transcription Document

No. 934

The United States DO

To Moses Downing of Hickory Log Dist


For 1 dwelling house hewed logs shingle roof, nailed on plank floor door and shutter well finished 22 feet by 18

“ 1 house hewed logs inside nailed roof plank floor 18 feet by 16 with a shed nailed roof puncheon floor 18 feet by 8

“ 1 house split logs nailed roof puncheon floor 18 feet by 16

“ 1 house hewed inside cabin roof puncheon floor 16 by 14

“ 1 house round logs cabin roof 15 feet square

“ 1 smoke house nailed roof 10 feet square

“ 1 corn crib cabin roof 20 feet by 7

“ 1 DO DO DO DO  18 feet by 7

“ 1 “ “ “ “ 8 “ “

“ 1 fodder house cabin roof 8 feet by 6

“ 1 horse stable nailed roof 25 feet by 12

“ 1 “ “ cabin roof 10 feet square

“ 1 hot house cabin roof 18 feet by 10

“ 1 “ “ “ “ 18 “ “ 8

“ 1 “ “ “ “ 12 “ “ 7

“ 3 potatoe cellars 8 feet square

“ 11 fields 195 acres river bottom land good fence

“ 1 garden patch with board ¼ acre

“ 180 bearing peach trees

“ 3 apple trees bearing

“ 97 “ “ not DO

“ 6 cherry trees earing

“ 2 plumb trees DO

“ 1 flat and ferry on the Alabama Road on the Etowah River 1 fish trap 30 feet by 7


Personally came before me William A. Few a white man and Stop of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property or improvements are just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief


Affirmed to before me the 7th day of Sept 1838

George Still Sr Asst Agt for Col. Claims

William A. Few his X mark

Stop his X mark

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