A List of Improvement Claims Cont’d
No. 39
The United States Do
To James Still of Hickory Log Dist.
1 Small improvement 8 acres Bottom Land on Hightower River log house 18 feet square board roof puncheon floor scalped logs
“ 1 smoke house 10 square split logs
“ 1 corn crib round logs 9 by 15 board roof
“ 1 acre lot
“ 1 hoal crop of corn peas punkens which was made in the same taken just at fodder pulling time dispossessed of the same 2 years
Personally came before me Te-con-e-she and George Still Senr and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property is just and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Affirmed before me this 17th of August 1838
Moses Daniel agent for collecting claims
Te-con-e-she his X mark
George Still his X mark
Not Available