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Transcription Document

A List of Claims for Improvements
No. 420.2
The United States Do
To Nancy Downing of Hickory Log District

“32 acres river bottom land on Chistalu river all well improved 2 acre lot around the house
“ 1 Dwelling house hewed logs 18 feet by 20 puncheon floor good board roof 1 door 1 shutter(?) plank loft
“To 1 kitchen round logs puncheon floor board roof
“ 1 corn crib 14 feet square floored &c
“ 2 small Do
“ 100 Peach Trees (growing)
“ 5 Apple Do Do
This claimant Nancy Downing affirms that she has her been dispossessed of the above improvement about 15 years which dispossession was forcibly done by one John Halissent(?) and Clabourne Parke white men citizens of the United States

Affirmed to before me this the 5 of Oct 1838
Moses Daniel Agent for collecting claims
Nancy Downing her X mark

Ki-as-tuand Jack Downing both of the Cherokee Nation East make affirmation that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for improvement is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief

Affirmed to before me this the 5 of Oct 1838
Moses Daniel agent for collecting claims
Ki-as-tu his X mark
Jack Downing his X mark

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