Claim Number


East side of Chattahoochee River


Transcription Document

No. 137

The United States DO

To George Downing Hickory Log Dist


For 1 bay mare 7 years old $50.00 | 50.00

“ 1 grey horse 4 years old $50.00 | 50.00

“ 1 black mare 1 “ old | 30.00

“ 16 head of cattle at $20 per head | 320.00

“ 5 large barrows at $10.00 per head | 50.00

“ $30 forced to pay for nothing | 30.00

Total | 530.00


Claimant states the first item which is a bay mare that she was stolen by a white man a citizen of the U.S., by the name of John Cochran in 1826 claimant states that he did not see Cochran with his mare but was informed by a white man, who did see the mare in Cochran’s possession to the next item claimant states that the above described grey horse was stolen by a white man by the name of Obadiah Hooper, claimant states that he loaned said Hooper the horse to hunt his horses and he (illegible) never returned claimant’s horse but made property of him this was done in the year 1832 to the next items claimant states that the black one year old mare run(?) on the outside of the Chattahoochee River and was running in the white settlement claimant does not know that the above described black mare was actually stolen by some white man, claimant states to the next item which is 16 head of cattle that they were large ones and was stolen by a white man by the name of Tatum the five large barrows claimant states that they were stolen by a white man by the name of James Berry and Alfred Webb and John Naylor in the year 1836 to the bottom, claimant states that some of his property was stolen by a white man and that he claimant had them arrested and had to pay his attorney the above named amount of money

Personally came before me George Downing of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the foregoing statement of claims against the United States for property stolen of white men citizens of the United States are just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief


Affirmed to before me 17th day of Sept 1838

George Still, Sr Asst Agt for Col. Claims

George Downing his X mark


Personally came before me Caty Downing and Cash Downing of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that they were well acquainted with claimant and his property and due(?) know that the above statement of claimant is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief


Affirmed before me 17th day of Sept 1838

George Still Sr Asst Agt to Col. Claims

Caty Downing her X mark

Cash Downing his X mark

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