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John McNary left one child, daughter Margarett, at his death. I married her before his death in March 1841. Reservation in Jackson Co AL below Bellefont on TN River for the use & benefit of his (Thompson's) five children {2 sons - William & John & 3 daughters Mary Ann, Augerona(?), Luvina}. Wife died in Decr 1839. Reservation leased to a Kirby. I emigrated with wife & children in 1829. I remarried last October to a white woman - I don't think I am now a citizen of the Cherokee nation. She is now in Texas and I plan to move to that Republic. My oldest child, a daughter is between 15 & 16. John McNary's wife was a half breed, the daughter of Saml Riley - the Reservation was entered & registered after her death. Two of my children were born in the old nation, the rest in this country. I can't tell you what year the Grand Mother of my children (Nancy McNary) died, it was before I married the daughter. Only neighbors who could testify and are out here are John Carr (a white man) and John Crossland.