Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Present Residences

place on Noon Day Creek GA in 1828. Also place on Hiwassee. Cut on head with a tomahawk by a US citizen

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Ellie Graham, Sewanee—The University of the South

“No. 118 The United States Dr. to Cul,lau,noo,ha-skey Residence in the East at Chu,too,goo,tah Removed to the West in Bell Detachment. Present residence in Clouds Creek Delaware District

To 5 Acres of land taken by a Citizen of the United States
on Noonday Creek Geo[rgia] in 1828 not Valued
Worth 10$ per acre $30.00
,,2 Horses in the same place taken
by same man not Valued worth $15 E[ach] 30.00
20 Peach trees on the same place not valued
Worth 1 $ E[ach] 20.00
8 Acres of land cleared and not fenced on
Hiwassee River. Not Valued $5.00 40.00
1 set hued house logs on the same place
not Valued worth $20.00 20.00
Damages sustained by being cut on the head
with a Tomahawk by a citizen of the
United States in Georgia 100.00
Am[ount] carried over $260.00
[second page]
Amount Bro[ugh]t over 260.00
1 Saddle left when Removed $12.00 12.00
,,1 Rifle Gun left when Removed 25.00 25.00
,,1 Bridle left when removed 1.00 1.00
,,1 Bed Cover left when removed 12.00 12.00
,,1 Ax left when removed 2.50 2.50
,,1 Hunting Shirt left when removed 2.50 2.50
,,2 Weeding hoes left when [removed] 75[¢] 1.50
,,20 Hogs left when removed 3.00 60
Delaware District
Cherokee Nation

Personally appeared before me Robert B. Daniels an acting clerk
for Registering claims in Delaware District. Cul,lau,noo ha,skey and being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the account made out by him against the United States for Three Hundred and Seventy Six Dollars and Fifty Cents is Just and true. And that he has been damaged to that amount by the United States. And Citizens hereof and that he has never received any compensations for the sums or any part thereof.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th Day of April 1842
Robert B. Daniel Cl[erk] Cul,lau,noo,ha,skey his X mark

Delaware District
Cherokee Nation

Personally appeared before me Robert B. Daniels an acting clerk for Registering claims in Delaware District. George Cockran and being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he does know that Cul,lau,noo,ha,skey was dispossessed of his improvment on Noonday Creek (Geo) by a Citizen of the United States in the year 1828, Consisting of five acres of improved land two houses and some peach trees and that the said improvement was not valued to him by the United States Valuing agents. He saith that he does know that Cul,lau,noo,ha,skey had about Eight acres of land cleared on Hiwassee River and not fenced and a set of hued log houses logs and that the scene was made after the Treaty of 1835, and not Valued to him by the United States Valuing agents. He saith that He does know that a Citizen of the United States cut Cul,lau,noo,ha,skey on the head with a Tomahawk in Georgia and that he was unable to work for a considerable lenghth[sic] of time in consequence of the wound inflicted on his head. He saith that he does know that Cul,lau,noo,ha,skey owned all the other property charged in his account against the United States when he resided in the East and that all of the same was left there undisposed of by him in any manner whatever, when he was removed to the West

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of April 1842
Robert B Daniel Clerk George Cockran his X mark”