Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Present Residences


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Hyatt Hines, Sewanee—The University of the South

“No. 159 The United States Dr. To Nancy
Residence in the East at Um,mer,ca,lo,lee (Ga) Removed to the West in Bells Detachment
Present residence on Clouds Creek Delaware District

To 2 Horses stolen by a citizen of the United States
at Um,mer,ca,lo,lee in 1827 worth $50 E[ach] $100.00
1 House made after the Treaty of 1835. not Val[ued] 20.00
1 set house logs made after the Treaty of 1835 not Val[ued] 5.00
2 Cows & Calves left when rem[oved] to the West $15 [each] 30.00
1 steer left when rem[oved] to d[itto] 10 10.00
26 Stock hogs left when rem[oved] 2 52.00
4 Pots left when rem[oved] ,, ,, 1/4 $ 2/1.50[each] $ 1/3- 10.00
1 Ax left when rem[oved] ,, ,, ,, 3- 3.00
2 Shovel ploughs left when rem[oved] 3. 6.00
2 Wedding hoes left – when rem[oved] .50 1.00
1 Spinning wheel left – when rem[oved] 3 3.00
Sundry house hold furniture left – when rem[oved] 10 10.00
1 P[air] Cotton cards left – when rem[oved] .75 .75
20 Bushels corn left when rem[oved] .50 10.00
2 Bushels Corn Meal left when rem[oved] 100 2.00
30 lbs Feathers left when rem[oved] .50 [per lb.] 15.00
1200 low Rails left when rem[oved] .50 6.00
10 acres Growing corn when rem[oved] 10.00 100.00
Growing sweet Potatoes when rem[oved] 10.00 10.00
14 Ducks left when rem[oved] .25 3.50
30 Chickens left when rem[oved] 12 ½ [cents each] 3.75
1200 loose boards left when rem[oved] 50 6.00
2 acres of land improved after the Treaty of
1835 not Val[ued] by Val[u]ing agents $10 20.00
Soap left when rem[oved] 2.00
Delaware District
Cherokee Nation

Personally appeared before me Robert. B. Daniel an acting clerk for Registering Claims in Delaware District. Nancy and being duly sworn depicts once saith that the account made out by her against the United States for Four Hundred and Twenty nine Dollars is Just and true that she has been damaged to that amount by the United States and Citizens thereof and that she has never received any compensation for the same or any part— thereof
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of April 1842 Robert B Daniel Nancy her X mark

Delaware District
Cherokee Nation

Personally appeared before me Robert. B. Daniel an acting Clerk for Registering claims in Delaware District Alcy and being duly sworn deposeth and saith that she does know that the account made out by Nancy against the United States is Just and true And that Nancy’s statement in relation to the said account is correct and true to the best of her knowledge
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of April 1842
Robert B Daniel Alcy her X mark

Transcription Document