Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence



Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Joe Masterson, Sewanee—The University of the South

“364 The United States Dr.

To David Foreman late of Amohee Dist[rict] removed under the direction of the US agents—JA Bell conductor
1836 Improvement at Valley Towns containing Double Cabin 50—
Crib 8$ 3 Acres cleared land 30$. Cow & calf 15$ Cow 10$ 63—
Damages sustained in consequence of being arrested and forcibly detained by order of
Brig[adier] Gen[eral] [John. E.] Wool USA}

1838 Improvements at Cherokee Agency. 1 Hewn & finished log house 100—
Framed Kitchen 20$ d[itto] Smokehouse 20$ 1 [ditto] Stable with Corn Crib and
Good loft 30$ 1 lot with trough and shed 20$ 90—
1 Acre cleared land 10 $ 1 large Table 5$ 1 Painted d[itto] 6$ 21—
1 Writing Desk 3$ 18 Chairs 9$ 6 Bedsteads 12$ 1 p[air] cards 1$ 25—
4 Stone jars 8$ 2 Large pots 7$ 1 Oven 3$ 1 Dresser 5$ 23—
2 Wash Tubs Iron hooped 2 $ 1 [ditto] water barrel 1.50 1 Pail 4.50—
1 Rough 5$ 1 Large double basket 2$ P[air] hand irons 5$ Tong 2$ 12—
Amount due me from white men 15$ Paid coming to this country 25$ 40—

David M Foreman being duly qualified states the improvements were made after the valuation. The one at Valley towns was 1⁄2 a mile below Peach tree creek. I was employed as interpreter at the Mission getting good wages[.] I also had a valuable singing school. The session had nearby expired when me and my wife were captured by order of Br[igadier] Gen[eral] Wool. I was tied like a felon placed in the guard house and exposed to the coarse insults of the unfeeling guard. I was taken away from my employment, deprived of my liberty and thus damaged both by person and property. The amount of remuneration that would compensate me for this injury I leave to the honour and generosity of the government. The improvements at the Cherokee Agency I made early in 1837. The premises were all well fitted up for the purpose of accommodating boarders. The cleared land was used as a garden. The Bedsteads, chairs, &c were left behind when started to this country [.] The amount due to me from white men was owing by Simons, Johnsons and Addcock who all ran away without paying for their board. On the way to this country my family was taken sick and unable to travel[.] I was left behind the detachment and thus incurred the expense of 25$ above charged. I have not received any compensation from any scource.
Sworn to & subscribed before me May 2 1842

Evan Jones Cl[erk] David M. Foreman

Sweetwater being sworn says the cow and calf charged were in my care when I was captured[.] I
was compelled to leave them with my own property[.] I know claimant had the improvement
at Valley towns also the one at the Agency. I know they are correctly stated, As well as the
property he abandoned. I also know that he was twice detained on the way to his country by
sickness— and that he had to bear his own expences each time until he reached the detachment.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
Evan Jones Cl[erk]
May 2nd 1842 Sweetwater X his mark”