Claim Number

Claim Date


Near Vanns Ferry. Left in 1816 and moved to Talking Rock.

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Tommy Ozonoff, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr No. 105
To William Crittenden late of Coosawattee District C.N. East removed in Bells Detachment
1838. And now resides in Going Snake District C.N.

1816 For 60 Acres Botton Land good fence $10 p[er] A[cre] $600
30 Bearing Peach Trees $1 Each 30.00
1 hewed log house 20 feet square finished 100.00
1 Round [log house] $30 2 Cribs $24 54.00
2 Stables $20 2 acres woods fenced $16 36.00

William Crittendon being duly sworn states that in the Year 1816 I made the above Improvement on the Chattahoochee River near Vann’s Ferry. I left my Improvement and move[d] to Talking Rock Creek in Old Nation. Said Improvements was never Valued to me or any other person under the late Treaty and I have never Received any compensation for the same whatever

Sworn to & subscribed before me
This 15 April 1842 Wm. Crittenton
Ignatius A Few [Clerk] DC

Arch Killee being duly sworn states that I am well acquainted with Claimant and his above Improvements, Claimant made said Improvement on the Chattahoochee River near Vann’s Ferry on said River and Said Improvements was not Valued to Claimant or any other person under the late valuations, he has not received any pay for the same to my knowledge—

Sworn to & Subscribed before me
This 15 April 1842 Arch Killee his X mark
Ignatius A Few [Clerk] DC”