Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence



Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Blake Pou, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. No. 142

To late of Coosawattee District
C.N. East. Removed by Bells Detachment 1838 And now resides in Going Snake District C.N.
1833 For 4 head grown hogs $5 Ea[ch] stolen $20.00
1838,, 1 Bay Mare $70 1 Brown stud horse $70 140.00
,,2 [Ditto Ditto] $85 2 Bl[ack] Mares + colts $100 185.00
,,27 head stock hogs $3 per head 81.00
,,1 woman Saddle & Bridle $17. 1 feather bed $10 27.00
,,3 Quilts $15. 2 Blankets $8. 1 Wheel $4 27.00
,,1 Table $3. 3 chairs $1.50 2 p[air] cards $1 5.50
,,Gin cotton $3. sett plates + cups saucers $1.50 4.50
For Amount carried forward 490.00
For Amount brought forward No 143 $490.00
1838 For 1 sett knives & forks $2.50 spoons 50 [¢] 3.00
,,2 Keilers $1. 2 pail $1. 1 Bucket $1 Tin cups 50 [¢] 3.50
,,1 coffee Mill 50 [¢]. Scissors 50 [¢]. 5 pots $15. 16.00
,,Pot hooks 50 [¢]. 2 Axes $4. 1 Mattock $2. 5 hoes $3 9.50
,,2 Bee hives $6. 100 lb. Pork meat $4. Soap $4 “ 14.00
,,10 Bushels corn $5. Beans $1. 2 ploughs & Gears $20 26.00
,,40 Chickens $5. 4 Turkeys $2. “ 7.00
,,15 Peach Trees, 3 Apple Trees not Bearing 21.00
,,6 Acres land Rent for 2 years $6 p[er] Acre p[er] annum 72.00
$662.00 Being duly sworn says that the four head hogs charged in my account as stolen was taken from me in that year 1833 by a whiteman whose name I do not know, I did not see a whiteman have the hogs, but I have good reasons to think a white man took them. The Ballance of my property charged I was forced to abandon it by the authorities of the United States in 1838. The six Acres land I was dispossessed of it by a whiteman Two years And I have never Received any compensation whatever

Sworn to & subscribed before me this 27th April 1842
Ignatius. A. Few Cl[erk] her X mark

Catey Being duly sworn says that the above charged four head of hogs, I know that claimant had them stolen from her in 1833. I heard that a whiteman stole them, The Ballance of her property charged I know it is just and that she was forced to abandon it, by the authorities of the United States in 1838 the six Acres of land was taken from her in 1836 by a whiteman and she was kept out of the use of it Two years and she has never Received any compensation to my Knowledge

Sworn to & subscribed before me This 27th April 1842
Ignatius A Few Cl[erk] D.C. Catey her x mark”

Transcription Document