Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Present Residences


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Graham Smith, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. No. 4
To Aggy Foster late of Coosewattee District C.N.E. removed in Bells Detachment 1838 and now resides on Barren fork creek Going Snake District

1836 For 1 hewed log with back room to it $100.00
1838 ‘’ 12 Acres of Growing corn $10 per acre 120.00
‘’ 7 head of cattle 54.00
‘’ 2 pots $8 1 Table $3 1 Bed stead $3 14.00
‘’ 1 Table with draws $5. 2 shovel ploughs $10 15.00
‘’ 4 weeding hoes 2.75

Aggy Foster being duly sworn says that the above charged hewed log house was made after the Treaty of 1836 and was not valued to her on that account the ballance of my property as charged in the above I was forced to abandon it by the Authorities of the United States in 1838 and I have never Received any compensation for the same or any part there of from the United States or any source whatsoever—

Sworn to and subscribed to before me
This 21 March 1842
I.A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Aggy Foster her X mark

Liver being duly sworn says the above improvement was made by the claiment after the Treaty of 1836 and it was never Valued to her on that account the ballance of claiments above account she was forced to abandon by the Authorities of the United States in 1838. and she has never Received any compensation for the same from the U.S. or any other source whatever to any knowledge

Sworn and subscribed to before me
This 21st March 1842
I.A. Few Cl[erk] D.C. Liver his X mark”