Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Parker Roth, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. No 46

To Twist late of Coosawattee District C.N. East. removed in Bells Detachment 1838. And now resides in Going Snake District

1838 For 8 head of grown cattle $ $126.00
,, 25 head hogs 75.00
,, 2 Saddles $ 37,, 2 Sheets $ 4 41.00
,, 1 feather bed & 3 Quilts 40,, 1 pot $5 45.00
,, 1 oven $3.50 1 Skillet $1.50, 1 pot $4.50 9.50
,, 2 Sett plates $1.50 1 Sett spoon $ 1.25 2.75
,, 1 Sett cup + saucers $ .50. 1 Churn $0.50 2.00
,, 2 Pails $ 2, 1 Piggon .50¢, 2 Kelers $1 3.30
,, 6 chairs $3, 3 Sifters $ 1.50, 6 Baskets $3 7.50
,, 1 set knifes & forks $2.25 1 wheel 2.50 4.75
For amount carried over $317.00
[second page]
For amount bought over Twist account $317.00
1838 For 1 p[air] cards $1.50 1 Axe $3 4.50
,, 1 Rifle Gun $25, 2 bed steads $10 35.00
,, 4 Quilts of 15, 1 washing tub $ 1,, 16.00
,, 3 Axes $7.50,, 4 bushels beans $ 4 11.50
30 Bushels corn $30, 2 ploughs $4, 3 hoes $3 37.00
3 Hand Kercheifs $ 3, Cash in my house $19 22.00
12 Ducks $3, 30 Chickens $3.75 6.75
1 Sorrel Mare & Colt $110, 1 sorrel mare $100 210.00
8 Acres growing corn $10 per acre 80.00
15 ,, Land clear in 1837 $8 per [acre] 120.00
30 bearing Peach Trees $1 30.00
20 bearing English glade Vines 20.00
$909. 75

Twist being duly sworn states that the above claim for property is just, and that he was Forced to abandon it by the authorities of the United States in 1838. My Improvement as charged I made after the Treaty 1836. and the money charged I left in my house with the ballance of my houseing things that I was forced to leave in 1838. All of which I have never Rec[eive]d any compensation for them from no source whatsoever

Sworn & subscribed before me
This 4th April 1842
Ignatius A. Few Cl[erk] Twist his X mark

The Jew & Smokehouse being duly sworn states the above claim for property against the United States is just. the claimant was possessed of it all as it is charged and was forced to abandon it by the authorities of the United States in 1838. And has never received any compensation for it from any source whatever to our knowledge

Sworn & subscribed before me
This 4th April 1842 The Jew his X mark
Ignatius A. Few Cl[erk] Smoke house his X mark”

Transcription Document