Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Blake Pou, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States No 69 70

To Susanah Saunders late of Coosawattee District C.N. East. removed in Bells Detachment 1838 And now Resides in Going Snake District C.N.

1838 For 30 head cattle $12 per head $360.00
1838 “ 8 head horses $60 [Ditto] 480.00
“ 25 head stock cattle $12 [Ditto] 300.00
“ 2 Pine Tables $8. 8 chains $8 16.00
“ 2 Bedsteads $8. 1 wheel $3. 1 Reel $3 14.00
“ 1 Loom $12. 1 Churn $1.50 2 Pails $2 15.50
“ 3 Pots $19. 2 ovens $8. 2 Skillets $4 31.00
“ 1 fry pan $1. 25 Beehives $75. 76.00
“ 75 head stock hogs $3 per head 225.00
“ 12 Acres of made corn standing in field 360.00
“ 2 [acres] made sweet potatoes $50 per acre 100.00
“ 14 [acres] Land ready broke up 42.00

Susanah Sanders being duly sworn states the above is a just schedule of her property, which she was forced to abandon by the authorities of the United States in 1838 I have never Received any compensation for the same whatever
Sworn to & subscribed before me
This 8th April 1842
Ignatius A Few Cl[erk] Susanah Sanders her X mark

Johnson Alberty + William Crittenton being duly Sworn states that the above account of Susanah Sanders is a just schedule of her property which she was forced to abandon by the the Authorities of the United States 1838 She has never Received any compensation for the same to our knowledge

Sworn to & subscribed before me
This 8th April 1842 William Crittenton
Ignatius A Few Cl[erk] Johnson Alberty”