Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences


Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcription by Stuart Marshall, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States (No 47) To Ka-hue-kah Dr.

For 3 Rifle Guns $54 2 Bed steads $4 $58
‘’1 Feather Bed $10 2 Bed Quilts & Sheet 20
1 Table $3 6 chairs $3 1 Sett Knives & forks 2.50 8.50
1 Set Crockery $18 2 Pails $2.50 20.50
2 Tin Buckets 175¢ Augers, Saw, drawing knife 6 7.75
1 Foot adze & broad axe $7 1 Wheel $4 11
2 p[air] c. cards 175¢1 Loom & appendage $18 19.75
200 [lbs] Bacon @ 12 ½ ¢ 50 [lbs] Lard $5.50 30.50
3 Ploughs & Gear $15—50 [lbs] soap 625¢ 21.25
4 hoes $2.50 80 bushels corn @ 100¢ 82.50
2 axes $5—1 Mattock $2.50 7.50
2 acres cleared Land not valued @ $10— 20.00
2 acres in corn, Potatoes & a variety of
Garden vegetables growing 50.—
7[lbs] wool $3.50—50[lbs] clean cotton @10¢ 8.50
39 Bee stands @$3—17 killing hogs @$8 248.—
119 stock hogs @ $2—2 horses $150. 388.—
1 saddle & Bridle $19—2 bushels salt $5— 24.—

This claimant lived at Salequoe and come to this country in Bells detachment, and lives now on Salisaw—She states (on oath) that she was forced to leave all the property charged in this account, at home when she was forced to leave it by the military for this country[.]
Sworn to & subscribed Ap[ril] 8th 1842 Kah hue kah her X mark
J. Mulkey cl[erk]

The witness in this case states (on oath) that she was personally acquainted with the claimant and her effects being a close neighbor; and declares the claimant had peac[e]able possession of all the property charged in this account, at the time she was forced from it and her home by the military; that she herself was forced to remove at the same time by the same force.
Sworn to Ap[ril] 6th 1842 Lucinda Pegg her X mark
J. Mulkey cl[erk]”

Transcription Document