Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Gilcrease - JRC Folder 836

Listing Description (Transcript)


Transcribed by Grace Scott, Sewanee—The University of the South


“The United States Dr

To Feeling, a native Cherokee, For property taken by citizens of the U. States in the year 1836—& property abandoned in the Eastern nation in the year 1838, at Racoon Town, Georgia— came to the west in Jack Bells Detachment—Present residence on the Illinois River, near Tahlequah —

1836 = to 1 First rate cow brute [bull] taken from him by citizens

Of the U. States without any just cause                                  $20.00

1838 = To 8 Head of stock cattle 8 p[er head]                        64.00

‘’ 20 Head of Hogs 3 [each] – 12 head of sheep 5 [each]=     120.00

‘’6 Geese—1[each] 10 Ducks 2.50 = 20 chickens 2.50=       11.00

‘’1 acre of cleared land since 1835—planted —                    15.00

‘’2 Tables 8,,—  6 chairs 4.50—2 Bed steads 6,, —              18.50

‘’1 spinning wheel 4,, – 1 Loom 8,, apperatus for same         15.00

‘’2 pr. Cotton cards 2,, —2 pots 8,, —2 water pales 2,,=       12.00

‘’2 cane Baskets 1$—2 cives .75—6 weeding hoes 6,,=       7.75

‘’2 ploughs & Gearing for the same 10,, ——                       10.00

‘’2 Axes 4$—1 Mattock 3,, —40 lbs. 5,, ——                      12.00

‘’1 sett plates 1.50—1 sett Tea cups 1$—12 small mugs=    4.00

‘’2 Bushels Beans 2,, —2 Bushels peas 2,, —                       4.00

‘’20 bushels sweet potatoes 15,, —1 Drawing knife 1,, —    16.00

‘’2 pad locks 2,, —1000 Binds [of] Fodder 30,, —               32.00

Sum Total—$360.75


Personally came before us, Feeling, a native Cherokee & claimant of the foregoing account & states on oath, That he has never received any consideration for the same of the United States or any other source—


Sworn & subscribed to before us, This 8th April 1842

  1. Carter & J. D. Wofford

Special clerks for making out Claims for Tahlequah District            Feeling his X mark



Personally came before us. George Bow & Ka law nu he sky witnesses to the above account, & state on oath, That to their knowledge they know the above account to be just & true.—Agreeably to the statement of the said Feeling—


Sworn & subscribed to before us, This 8th April 1842

  1. Carter & J. D. Wofford

Special clerks for making out Claims for Tahlequah District            George Bow his X mark

Ka law nu he sky his X mark”


Transcription Document