Claim Number

Claim Date

Type of Claim

Reservation Claim. Heir is Nelson B Grubb. By Peter May, guardian/trustee.

Listing Description (Transcript)

The United States “137” To the Heirs of Doctr A. B. Grubb
Deceased. Viz Nelson B. Grubb, by His guardian Peter May D

To a reservation of 640 Acres
At $12.00 per acre …… $ 7680.00
To 20 years rent $300.00 per yr. 6000.00

The Guardian Peter May in this Case declars on oath that he is appointed Guardian or trustee of Nelson B Grubb and of the goods & chattels and other interests properly belonging to said Nelson. That under the Treaties of 1817 & 1819 between the Cherokee Nation and the U. States Doctor Allen B. Grubb dec’d, father of Nelson, had entered for a reservation
Of land of 640 acres in conformity to said Treaties and that he afterward is informed that said land had been unjustly taken from the said Doctor A. B Grubb and his heir
by the state of Tennessee, to the injury of his ward without any indemnity from the U. States for the land lost. –Peter May Sworn before upon this 15th Apl 1842 E. Hicks Clk