To Green Baldridge
For property lost in the old Nation “Look out Valley” in Georgia in consequence of being
force to remove by the U S Troops Emigrated in James Brown Detachment in 1838 to
20 acres of growing corn $10 per acre $200.–
12 “ “ “ oats $10 “ “ 120.–
3 “ lands under fence (not valued) 30.–
¼ “ Garden & vegetables growing 5.–
*1 Bbl of Soap $16__ & 25 chickens $2.75 19.75
6 sows (grown) $30.– & 16 year-old Hogs $48 78.–
1 Cow & Calf $12.– & 1 Cow $10.– 22.–
1 Table $3.– & 1 Spinning Wheel $3.– 6.–
3 Chairs $1.25.– 1.25
* Transcriber note: Bbl is the abbreviation for a 42-gallon barrel.
Statement of the Claimant Examined on “Oath” States as follows;
I am a half breed Cherokee and now reside about six miles from John
Benges on Lees Creek…Emigrated to this country in James Brown Detachment in 1838.
The three acres of land I charge for was not valued. I cleared this piece of land after the
balance of my improvements were valued; the reason I cleared this was: I was opposed
to coming to this country. I never gave my Will or sanction to what was called the
“Treaty of 1835.” I was still living on this place when I was taken by the U.S. Troops &
taken off to Ross’s landing about thirty miles from where I lived at Look Out Valley in
Georgia – a part of my corn was about two feet high and the other little smaller when I
was taken. The Soldiers brought a wagon to take us and our things – the Table –
spinning wheel chairs. Soap and other articles which we could could [sic] take. I drove
my Cattle, Hogs & horses with me into the Camp. These Cattle, Hogs I have charged for,
I had lost on the way. I was out to my old place about a week before we started to this
country. I saw the number /62/ I have charged for there on the place. I had gone out
after some horses that had run back home, & I went found them – brought them into
camp – I went out alone & could not bring the Cattle & Hogs and I had no time to return
any more as we had to leave in a few days and could get no sale for them. Them whites would not purchase our Stock as they knew we would be compelled to leave it & they
could get it without paying for it his
Green X Baldridge
Sworn & Subscribed to }
before me 2nd March 1842 }
James M Payne Special }
Clerk for Skin Bayou Dist }
“Nancy Campbell” Testimony Examined on “Oath” States as follows;
I live about five miles from the Claimant (Green Baldridge) at “Look out Valley”
in Georgia. I knew he had a field_ I don’t know the number of cows, but it was a large
field and he also had a small of new ground he had cleared – I was there when they
planted corn & assisted them in planting I know he cleared the new ground after the
valuing agent had been there & valued his improvements The Spinning wheel Table
chairs Soap & chickens I saw after they were taken away – I was taken on the same day
with him & several other families we were collected together at Green Baldridge’s
father’s house which was about two miles from his place his wife & I went out to their
house while we were at Mr. Baldridge’s (old man) and I saw these articles it was after
they were taken away from their house. – he also had a large place sowed in Oats &
growing I was along with them when he lost his cattle & Hogs after we started to
Ross’s landing, the first night I don’t know the number he lost, only missed several
head the next morning he never brought them in afterwards I only heard him say
when /63/ he went out to his old place and came back said he had saw his hogs, he had
lost on the way. That they returned home and the Cattle also. I am a half breed
Cherokee & now on the Illinois river in Tahlequah District
Nancy X Campbell
Present Residences
Listing Description (Transcript)
Transcription Document