Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Includes legal fees for a lawsuit

Listing Description (Transcript)


Transcribed by Grace Scott, Sewanee—The University of the South


“The United States Dr—

To Feeling, a native Cherokee, who emigrated from Racoon Town, Georgia —came in Jack Bells Detachment in 1838—Present residence on the Illinois River, near Tahlequah——

To damages, by being ejected from his possessions & subjected to a Law suit by citizens of the U. States in the year 1836—

To Lawyers fees paid out of his own funds =                         $35.00

Taxed with $5,, for other charges, unknown to him =            5.00

Sum Total —$40.00


Personally came before us, Feeling, claimant of the above account, & states on oath, that he had to pay the above named sum of Fourty dollars, in consequence of a Law suit he was forced into by citizens of the United States in defence of his own Rights & possessions of Improvements, —& claims the same of the U. States, according to a claws [clause] in the Treaty of 1835 between the U. States & the Cherokee Indians; securing peacible possessions to the natives for a Term of time ——

Personally came before us,                 Feeling, his X mark

Sworn & subscribed to before us, This 8th April 1842

  1. Carter & J.D. Wofford

Special Clerks for making out Claims for Tahlequah District


Personally came before us, George Bow & Ka law nu he sky, witnesses to the above accounts. & state on oath, That they were acquainted with the facts above stated, for the purposes therein named by him, & that he has not, to our knowledge, received any thing of the U. States or any other source whatever

by the said Feeling


Sworn & subscribed to before us, This 8th day of April 1842

  1. Carter & J.D. Wofford

Special Clerks for making out Claims for Tahlequah District           George Bow his X mark

Ka law nu he sky his X mark”


Transcription Document