Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Grace Scott, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr—
To Jeremiah Tucker, a native Cherokee, for property abandoned in the Eastern nation, on shooting creek, state of North Carolina, emigrated in Jack Bells Detachment in the year 1838 present residence, on the Barren Fork of the Illinois River, in Tahlequah District—

To 1 Cow & calf 12,,—1 Gray mare 80,, = $92.00
‘’ 1 Black mare 100,, — 15 Head of stock Hogs 45$ = 160.00
‘’1 Rifle Gun 25,, —1 Axe 3,, —2 pots 6,, — = 34.00
‘’1 Large oven 3,, —1 Brass Kettle 3,, – 1 skillet 2,, = 8.00
‘’1 Frying pan .50 —1 shaving skillet .50 = 1.00
‘’1 Iron wedge 1,, —& 1 small axe 1.50,, = 1 pot Rack $.50 = 4.00
‘’2 Fire shovels 2,, —1 smoothing Iron 1,, —- = 3.00
‘’1 sett plates 1.50 —1 p[air] plough Gears 5,, —- = 6.50
‘’2 Tin Buckets 2,, —1 water pail 1,, — = 3.00
‘’ 8 Tin cups 1,, —2 half gallon pots 1,, 1 coffee pot .50 =2.50
‘’2 quart cups .50 —4 Pitchers 4,, – 1 sett spoons 1,, = 5.50
‘’1 sett Kn[ives] & forks 2,, — 3 weeding Hoes 3,, — = 5.00
‘’2 Blankets 8,, —4 quilts 12,, – 1 sheet 2.50 — = 22.50
‘’1 shovel plough 2,, – 1 clevis – 1,, – 20 chickens 2.50 = 5.50
‘’1 chest 1.50 — — ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = 1.50
Total am[ount] $354.00

Personally came before me, Jeremiah Tucker, Claimant of the above account, & states on oath That all of the above property was abandoned by him in the Eastern Nation, in the year 1838 for which he has never received any consideration whatever —

Sworn & subscribed to before me, This 28th April 1842
D. Carter—Special Clerk, & c. Jeremiah Tucker his X mark

Personally came before me, Joseph Keener and Isaac Tucker, witnesses to the foregoing account, & state on oath, That they are knowing to the abandonment of the foregoing named property by the said Jeremiah Tucker, as he has stated & to the best of their belief, he has never received any consideration whatever—
Sworn & subscribed to before me, This 28th April 1842
D. Carter—Special Clerk, & c. Joseph Keener his X mark Isaac Tucker his X mark”