Claim Number

Claim Date
Eastern Residence

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Brody Sanderson, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States
Dr. To E-Yah-nah, a native Cherokee, of the Cherokee Nation, East—near A-mo-hee, Tennessee.—Emigrated to this country in 1838, in John Bell’s Detachment.—Present residence in Flint District, near John Chambers, Cherokee Nation,
Spoliation caused by the emigration:

1838 To 2 Large Pots $8–1 Large oven $4 — $12.00
,, 1 Brass Kettle $6–1 small pot $3–do $2 — 11.00
,, 1 Small oven $2–1 Loom & harness $18 — 20.00
,, 2 Spinning wheels $4–2 pair cotton cards $2 — 6.00
,, 6 chairs $6 –2 Tables $5– 2 sets plates $1 – — 12.00
,, 1 Large Pewter Basin $2 – 2 sets cups & saucers $1- 3.00
,, 1 set of knives & forks $3 — 8 Large white bowls $2 — 5.00
,, 1 set of table spoons 50¢–3 Tin pans $3– 2 Keelers $1 — 4.50
,, 4 wooden spoons $1–3 water pails $3–2 Tin Buckets $2 – 6.00
,, 2 Coffee pots $1.50– 6 Tin cups 75¢– 2 Large tin d[itto]$1- 3.25
,, 2 Barrels $2–5 Bushels Beans $5–180 lbs. seed cotton $9– 16.00
,, 26 lbs. picked Cotton $5–30 lbs. spun Thread $12 — 17.00
,, 3 Bed Quilts $18–2 Bed blankets–1 bunch beads $3 – 29.00
,, 1 Axe $2.50 –1 Tommahawk $1.50 2 Fanners $1 — 5.00
,, 2 Sifters $1–3 Riddles 75¢–2 Large Baskets $2 – – – 3.75
,, 4 Coverlets $4 —2 p[air] Scissors $1.50 – – – – 5.50
,, Thimbles, needles, pins & thread & 1 pieced Quilt – – – 3.50
,, 5 weeding Hoes $ 3.50–1 plough $3–7 bush[el] Corn $7 – – 13.50
,, 2 stacks fodder $ 12– 9 head of hogs $45 – – – 57.00
,, 75 head of hogs $225– 1 1⁄2 of garden $25–1 mare & colt $100- 340.00
,, 2 Cows & Calves $30–5 head of cattle $25–100 Chickens $12.50 – 67.50
,, 1 improvement of 14 acres, taken from here 3 years before
they were valued, by citizens of the United States, at
the rate of $5 per acre, for rent, for 3 years – – 210.00
$ 851.50

Personally appeared before us, E-Yah-Nah, the claimant of the above account, who being duty sworn, deposeth and saith the above account is just and true; –and further deposeth that she was compelled to leave the above named property by being forced by the United States Troops, and was not permitted to return and see any of the above property–and that she has not received anything whatever for said property.

Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 4th day of April, 1842
David Carter
J.D. Wofford
Special Clerks for collecting claims for Tahlequah District E-Ya-nah her X mark
Personally appeared before us Lucy McDaniel & William McDaniel, who after being duty
sworn depsoeth + saith that they were personally acquainted with the above E-Yawn-nah, in the
Eastern Nation, and that they were acquainted with the fact of her leaving the above property
under the circumstances here set forth.

Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 4th day of April–1842
David Carter
J.D. Wofford
Special Clerks for collecting claims in Tahlequah District Lucy McDaniel her X mark
William McDaniel his X mark

E-Yawn-nah’s Spoliation Claim
No. 343—”

Transcription Document