Claim Number

Claim Date

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)


Transcribed by Aidan Treacy, Sewanee—The University of the South


“The United States Dr-

To Ool stoo ah, a native Cherokee For property abandoned in the Eastern Nation, on Pine Log Creek, near to Whiteman Killer’s residence in Cass County, Georgia—Emigrated in John Bell’s Detachment in the year 1838—Present residence, on the Illinois River, in Tahlequah District—


To one field of cleared lands forcibly taken from him by citizens of the U. States in the spring of 1834—consisting of 15 acres, for four years                                     — $300.00


Personally came before me, Ool stoo ah, claimant of the above account, & states on oath, That

the above named damage he suffered by being forcibly ejected from the said possessions at the

time & manner above set forth, & that he has never received any consideration of the United States or any other source for the above named damages —

Sworn & subscribed to before me, This 20th April 1842       Ool stoo ah his X mark

  1. Carter, Special Clerk for making out claims for Tahlequah District


Personally came before me, Whiteman Killer, a witness to the above, & states on oath, That he is well knowing to the ejectment of the said Ool stoo ah from his possessions above named, for the time & in the manner stated, by the citizens of the U. States


Sworn to and subscribed before me

This 20th April 1842—D. Carter D.C.                                   Whiteman Killer his X mark”

Transcription Document