Claim Number

Claim Date

Type of Claim
Present Residences

Listing Description (Transcript)

Transcribed by Graham Smith, Sewanee—The University of the South

“The United States Dr. to Lucinda Peggs a native Cherokee Claimant for property abandoned in the Eastern nation resident at Salaquoah Cass county Georgia Emigrated to this country in John Bells present Residence Tahlequah District near John Looneys.

To 2 horses $190,, 1 cow and calf $15 $205 00
‘’ 1 side saddle and bridles $25 2 bedstead $10 35 00
‘’ 1 table $3.. 6 chairs $450.. 1 pot $2 larg[e] pot $750 17 00
‘’ 1 wash tub $1,, Dishes knives and forks cups and saucers 9 00
‘’ 1 spinning wheel 1p[air] cotton cards $4,, 1 coverled $10 14 00
‘’ 8 y[ards] calico $4, 1 new bed quilt $5 9 00
$299 00

Personally appeared before us Lucinda Pegg a claiment for the above claim who after
being Duly sworn on oath Deposeth and saith that she was arrested by the soldiers of the United States and carried into camps by the same And was not permitted to return and take care of her property and that she has never received any compensation for the above property left in way whatever

Sworn to and subscribed before us
D Carter Special Clerks for Collecting Claims
J D Wofford Lucinda Pegg her X mark
Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation April 5 1842

Personally appeared before us Nancy and Kay Hu Kah Smith witnesses for the above claimant and after being Duly sworn Deposeth and saith that the[y] were personally acquainted with the above claimant and was knowing to the arrest of the aforesaid and that the above account is Just as stated and that she has never Received any consideration for the sum to the best of their knowledge.

Sworn to and subscribed before us
D. Carter Special Clerks for Collecting Claims
J.D. Wofford Nancy her X mark
Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation April 5 1842 Kay Hu Kah Smith his X mark

(No. 91)
Lucinda Pegg’s Spoliation Claim”