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A List of Claims for Improvements &c Contd

No. 474

The United States DO Spoliation

To Polly Proctor of Hickory Log Dist


For Amt. cash paid a whiteman under a pretended claim | 80.00

Amount cash paid a whiteman for cutting down a bee tree | 13.00

Amount of cash paid a whiteman under a pretended claim | 8.00

Total | 101.00


Personally came before me Polly Proctor of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the above account is just against the United States which she had to pay to whitemens, citizens of the United States that she had to pay a man by the name of William Bell $80 eighty dollars who forced her to sail(?) and compelled her to pay him the above amount, and states she never had any dealing with said Bell whatever and further states that she was forced to pay a whiteman citizen of the United States, by the name of John Dial the sum of thirteen dollars for cutting down a tree that had bees in it, and further states that she was forced by said William Bell to pay eight dollars more to him for nothing and further states that she had to pay the above amounts in the month of March 1838 to said whitemen and she never had any dealing with either of them, and the above amount is just and true


Affirmed before me 8th of Sept 1838

Geo. Still Agt for Col. Claims

Polly Proctor her X mark


Personally came before me Thompson and Dave of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that they are acquainted with the above transaction and (illegible) as stated in the above affirmation


Affirmed before me 8th Sept 1838

Geo Still Agt for Col. Claims

Thompson his X mark

Dave his X mark

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