No. 572
The United States DO
To Watter hickory log District
To 1 Bay mare 5 years old 50.00 1 Roan Mare 2 years old 30.00 | 80.00
“ 15 head of hogs 5.00 each | 75.00
Total | 155.00
The above described horses was stolen from claimant in the year 1832 claimant states that she has made diligent search for her horses since they were stolen & has not seen or heard any thing of them she has good reason to believe they were taken by citizens of the United States claimant states that her hogs were stolen from her in 1831 and that she has not seen or heard of them since they were stolen from her but she believes they were stolen by whitemen citizens of the United States
Personally came before me Watter of the Cherokee nation East and solemnly affirmed that that the above is a correct statement of claims against the United States for property stolen by whitemen citizens of the United States and she has no other means of establishing her claim by her own evidence and the above amount and just to the best of her knowledge & belief
Affirmed to before me this 13th day of Sept 1838
Geroge Still Sr assistant agent for collecting claims
Watter her x mark
Not Available