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The United States Do  

To James Proctor Hickory Log Dist 


For 150 Bushels of corn at $ 1.50 pr bushel | 225.00 


Personally came before me James Proctor of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct account of claims  against the United States for corn willfully and maliciously taken from him by a white man by the name of Green in the year 1826 and the claimant has not received any compensation for the same, said Green is a citizen of the United States and the above account is just & true to the best of the know ledged and belief


Affirmed before me 25th day Sept, 1838  

George Still Asst. Agt for collecting claims 

James Proctor His x mark   


Personally came before me Jack Downing & Sally of the Cherokee Nation East, and solemnly affirmed that they were present and saw a Whiteman of Green forcibly take off claimant’s corn and said Green is a citizen of the U.S and we do not believe claimant was in debt to said man &  believe the above account to be best and true to the best of our knowledge & belief 


Affirmed to before 25th day pf Sept 1838  

George Still Sr Asst. Agt for collecting claims  

Jack Downing his x mark  

Sally her x mark  

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