A List of Claims for Improvements &c Continued
No. 800
The United States DO
To Jesse Downing of Hickory Log Dist
For 1 grey mare 7 years old at $100 | 100.00
“ 1 grey horse 6 “ “ at | 100.00
“ 1 bay mare 7 “ “ at | 5.00
“ 1 grey mare 5 “ “ at | 70.00
“ 1 bay mare 4 “ “ at | 80.00
“ 1 black horse 3 “ “ at | 60.00
“ 1 grey horse 7 “ “ | 70.00
“ 1 bay horse 9 “ “ | 40.00
“ 6 cows & calves $20 each | 120.00
“ 30 head of hogs at $8.00 ea | 240.00
Total | 930.00
The above described 8 head of horses was stolen in the year 1822 claimant states that the above described horses was in the range some distance from home when they were stolen claimant states that he has not seen his horses since they were stolen, in the possession of any person but a white man came to claimant and affirmed that a whiteman by the name of John Tatum had stolen his horses and drove them off and disposed of them, claimant could not get his horses, neither has he received any compensation for said horses, said John Tatum is a whiteman and a citizen of the U.S. The above described cattle was stolen the year 1822, claimant states that his cattle was drove off about the same time his horses was stolen he has not seen them since, and he has good reason to believe that said Tatum stole his cattle also, the above described hogs was stolen in the year 1823, claimant states that his hogs ranged across the river into the white settlement of Georgia he has not seen his hogs since they were stolen but he knows they were taken by white men citizens of the United States and (illegible) to their own use and he has not received any compensation for the foregoing described property
Personally came before me Jesses Downing of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirms that the foregoing is a correct statement of claims against the united states for property stolen stolen from him by white men citizens of the U.S. and he has no other evidence in his power to procure to establish his claims least his own testimony, and he solemnly affirms that the foregoing account is correct and just to the best of his knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me this the 18th day of September 1838
Geo. Still Asst Agt. for Col Claims
Jesse Downing his X mark
Personally came before me Moses Downing and Sleepy Man of the Cherokee Nation east & solemnly affirmed that they were acquainted with the claimant and know his property and knew that he had all the above described property stolen from his and that they believe that the whitemen citizens of the United States stole the property as described the further say that theprices are reasonable and that the claimant has had no pay for the same to the best of their knowledge & belief
Affirmed to before me this the 28th day of Sept 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agent for Collecting Claims
Moses Downing his X mark
Sleepy Man his X mark
Witnesses testimony dated 28-Sept