No. 816
The United States DO
To Te–wal-lee of Hickory Log Dist
For 1 bay horse 6 years old | 80.00
“ 1 gray mare 8 years old | 60.00
Total | 140.00
Claimant states that the above described horses and mare were both stolen from him in one Knight, claimant pursued his horses the next morning to the Stone Mountain in Dekalb County Georgia and could not track them any further claimant further states that he does believe that whitemen citizens of the United States stole his horses in 1824.
Personally came before me Te–wal-lee of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct statement of claims against the United States for property stolen by whitemen citizens of the U.S. and are just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief
Te–wal-lee his X mark
Personally came before me Jack Winn and Bark Chicken of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed they were well acquainted with claimant’s property at the time above states and they believe the above account is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief
Affirmed to before me the 28th day of September 1838
George Still Sr Asst Agent for Col. Claims
Jack Winn his X mark
Bark Chicken his X mark
Tracked horses to the Stone Mtn in Dekalb Co GA