No. 837
The United States Do
To Nancy Daugherty of the Hickory Log Dist
For 1 fine Bay horse 6 years old worth | 120.00
“ 1 other Bay horse 7 years old worth | 100.00
Total | 220.00
Nancey Daugherty the claimant in reference to the claim affirmed that the first horse in this account was stolen from her lot in the night time and as she has good reason to think was done by an Arch White a citizen of the United States about 14 years afore and the other was stolen out of the farm in the evening part of the day by Joel Leathers a citizen of the United States about 12 years ago, and that she has never had any compensation for or value for the same in any way whatever
Affirmed to before me and subscribed this the 5th day of Sept 1838
Moses Daniel Agent for Col. Claims
Nancy Daugherty her x mark
Watter Downing of the Cherokee Nation East affirmed that he followed the first stolen horse in the above account and the day after he was taken he found him in the possession of said Arch White and tried to receive(?) him for the claimant but being over in the white settlement it was impossible to do it by reason of the resistance of said Whiteman in reference to the second, he said that he also followed it immediately after it was taken, and soon found that the said Joel Leathers had taken it off he still pursued in search for two or three days. And their at Franklin Courthouse, Georgia found the horse where Leathers had put him he also found Leathers at the same place but could not get the horse
Affirmed to before me 5th of Oct 1838
Moses Daniel agent for collecting claims
Watter Downing his x mark
Jack Downing also affirmed that the foregoing claimant’s statement are just and true affirmed to and subscribed before me this the 5th day of October 1838
Moses Daniel Agent for collecting claims
Jack Downing his x mark
Not Available