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TSLA BOOK C - Claim 927/928.1
Transcription Document

A list of claims for Improvements &c Continued 

No. 927  

The United States Do 

To Nancy Edward of Hickory Log Dist 


For 1 Bay Mare 6 years old estimated at | 100.00 

Clothing Stolen do | 16.25 

Total | 116.25 


Personally came before me Nancy Edward of the Cherokee Nation East and solemnly affirmed that the above is  a just account of property stolen from her by a white man citizen of the United States, the first described mare was stolen by John Elisander a white man done in Hickory log Dist about 3 years ago, the claimant states she has no other evidence than her own, the next described was the above clothing stolen by a white man, name not known, claimant states that the said white man stole her clothing in June last done at Calhoun the Cherokee agency she further affirms that the above prices are reasonable and that she has had no pay for the same 


Affirmed to before me the 19th of Sept 1838  

George Still Sr Asst. Agt. For Col. Claims  

Nancy Edward her x mark 

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