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TSLA BOOK C - Claim 935.2/936.1
TSLA BOOK C - Claim 936.2/937.1
Transcription Document

No. 936

The United States DO

To Ta-coo-a-hee-lee of Hickory Log Dist


For 5 cows and calves $16.00 ea | 80.00

“ 12 head of hogs at $8.00 ea | 96.00


Claimant states that the above descried cattle was stolen in the year 1833. Claimant states that his cattle was in the range and a man by the name of John Cochran drove off his cattle into Georgia and disposed of them. Said Cochran is a citizen of the United States. The above described hogs was drove off and penned by a white man his name unknown to claimant, claimant’s sister seen the hogs in possession of said man, and when claimant went after his hogs her heard said whiteman had drove them off, and converted them to his own use all of the above described property was stolen by white men citizens of the United States, and claimant has not received any compensation for his property nor any part thereof


Personally came before me Ta-coo-a-hee-lee of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the above is a correct statement of claims against the United States for property stolen from him by white men citizens of the United States and the above account is correct and just to the best of his knowledge and belief


Affirmed to before me 19th day of September 1838

Geo. Still Sr. Asst Agt for Collect. Claims

Ta-coo-a-hee-lee his X mark


Personally came before me Ke-ho-tah and James Downing of the Cherokee Nation east and solemnly affirmed that the were well acquainted with claimant’s property and they have seen all of the above described property of claimant’s in possession of whitemen citizens of the United States and the above account is just and true to the best of their knowledge and beliefs


Affirmed to before me 19th day of September 1838

Geo. Still Sr. Asst Agt for Col Claims

Ke-ho-tah his X mark

James Downing his X mark

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