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Transcription Document

List of Claims for Improvements &c continued

No. [struck out: 296] 280

The United States Do

To Noo-gen and Ben Vann of Hickory Log Dist

“ 1 Heifer 2 years old 6.00 | 6.00

“ 2 Calves 1 “ “ “ 3.00 each “ | 6.00

“ 3 Sows and “ pigs “ | 26.00

“ 1 Large Pot “ | 3.50

“ 2 small “ 2.00 each “ | 4.00

“ 24 Plates .50 per “ | 2.00

“ 6 small bowls .12 ½ each “ | .75

“ 2 Large “ .62 ½ “ “ | 1.25

“ 1 Large Pitcher “ | .75

“ 1 small “ “ | .50

“ 6 Tin cups .12 ½ “ “ | .75

“ 3 Cups and saucers .25 “ | .25

“ 4 Bedsteads 1.00 each “ | 4.00

“ 2 Chests 1.00 “ “ | 2.00

“ 4 Barrels .25 “ “ | 1.00

“ 4 Plow stocks 1.00 “ “ | 4.00

“ 2 Shovel Plows .75 “ “ | 1.50

“ 1 Spouloon(?) “ “ | .50

“ 1 bearshear “ “ | 2.00

“ 3 large traces and clevises 1.00 each “ | 3.00

3 pair of geers(?) 2.00 “ “ | 6.00

“ 3 Augers .50 “ “ | 1.50

“ 3 chisels .37 ½ “ “ | 1.12 ½

“ 1 Iron wedge .50 “ | .50

“ 1 Hand saw “ | 1.50

“ 1 Crop cut saw “ | 4.00

“ 1 square “ | .50

“ 1 Bee gum “ | 3.00

“ 22 Chickens .12 ½ each “ | 2.75

“ Crop on hand “ | 235.00

“ 1 Loom “ | 6.00

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